You should also tick ‘read:org’ in the admin:org section. Please, tick all from ‘repo’ section ( repo:status, repo_deployment, etc.). You need to generate the new one and tick some options.
Click on the Code button and copy the URL:

Choose Create Project from Git button at Projects Tab or File - Git - Create Project in the Main menu:.You can learn more here Cloning existing repositories Then push changes to a remote repository using Push HEAD button:.

If the commit was successful, the question icons will have turned into repository icons: Enter a commit message (the first line should be headline-like, as it will appear in the history view) and hit the Commit button. Commit the project by right-clicking the project node and selecting Team - Commit… or Ctrl+# from the context menu.
When you click Finish on the Source Git Repository form, you will have to generate a password for all the secure data in DBeaver.You should also tick ‘read:org’ in section admin:org. You need to generate the new one and tick some options: all from the ‘repo’ section ( repo:status, repo_deployment, etc.). We also recommend ticking Store in Secure Store in DBeaver below: However, instead of a password you have to specify the GitHub access token. You have to specify the GitHub User and Password. Paste the URL of the GitHub repository on DBeaver's side.Then, on the page of the repository at GitHub, click on the Code button and copy the URL:.Here you fill in the Repository name, Description, Accessibility and click Create repository: The repository should not be public as there are credentials to the databases you are working with. Make sure to pay attention to the security. Create a new local repository or choose an existing one:.Open Projects tab, then choose the Project that you need to share and choose Team - Share project from the context menu:.P2 repository URL: Create Repository Share Existing Project It can also be installed manually to the CE version. This extension is included in the EE version.

You can keep your project configuration, scripts, diagrams, bookmarks and other artifacts in a Git repository. Importing CA certificates from your local Java into DBeaverĭBeaver is fully integrated with the Git team work/version control system.